Tuesday, March 5, 2013

gives me more attention than he gives his computer?

Can I find a man who gives me more attention than he gives his computer?

I don't even feel like I should have to SAY this one.  But apparently I do.  There is a difference, gentlemen, between "spending time together" and "being in the same room doing completely separate things".  One involves looking at eachother and perhaps making conversation and focusing on the person you love.  The other involves...basically none of that. 

I'd like someone who can put away their toys when I'm around.  I'm not saying all the time.  Sometimes I just want to watch Dance Moms and you can sit there and facebook or google "ermahgerd" memes. 

(See how I combined them?  I'm so freaking clever.)

I just want someone who wants to be WITH me and spend time WITH me instead of ...not.  I really don't think I'm asking too much.  I mean, it's not like we don't have 10ish hours a day away from one another when we are both at our respective jobs, plus another 7-8 of sleep, so that leaves MAYBE 6 hours of time that we could spend with the person we are supposedly IN LOVE with. 

And don't forget meals, bathroom breaks, showers, errands, other people....they all take time too.  So let's make it like 3 hours per day maybe that we could focus on one another. 


Just make it freaking count, alright?

Make it count.