Wednesday, October 17, 2012

remembers the little things in a conversation?

Can I find a man who remembers the little things in a conversation?

I find that a man can SHOCK me with this ability.

For instance:

We are having a conversation.  I mention in passing that I am going out on Friday with my friend, X, for cupcakes.  He's never met X; doesn't know who X is.  I also happen to mention that X has been feeling down because the guy she's been seeing has turned out to be a total butthead.  Conversation continues on to other things.

Saturday, guy asks me "Is X feeling better?  Did the cupcakes help her get over the butthead guy?"


You remembered all that?  You were listening that closely to what I was saying?? 

Now, maybe you feel that this shouldn't be shocking.  Maybe YOU feel like every guy should be able to do this.  Well, let me tell you something:


Maybe you have just lucked out and you have a man who really listens to everything you say.  And CARES.  But there are lots of gentlemen out there (who may be really great guys!  honestly!) who just sort of zone out when it's not something of interest to them. 

Also - a bonus point for this attribute?  If you casually mention something (i.e. oh, i have remember to pick up my drycleaning after work today!  i keep forgetting!) and guy is so freaking sweet that he sends you an email at 4:55pm (right before you leave work) saying "don't forget about your drycleaning!" or something cute to that effect.

I mean, can't you just feel the warm fuzzies?  From a guy who listens?  Who isn't a licensed therapist?


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