Tuesday, November 27, 2012

charms the pants off my family?

Can I find a man who charms the pants off my family?

Not literally, of course.  That'd be nasty.  Seriously, why'd you go there?

Anyway, as I was saying....

(seriously...my worst nightmares...the circle of trust....)

I want a guy who can get my family to adore him ALMOST as much as I do!  Meeting the parents, the siblings, the extendeds....it's scary!  Not just for the guy...but for me too!  I want my family to love him because...well, it makes everything a lot easier if everyone gets along really well, doesn't it?

Then you know you can bring him to family events with no fear.  They'll want him around! 

There is such drama that can occur with the alternative....it may just be a deal breaker.  Family is so important to me that if we can't be around them because there's beef (Metaphorical beef, not actual beef.  I'm fine with beef.  I'm also fine with a lack of beef.  Whatever you prefer to put in your tummy.  I don't judge.), I don't see it working.

So I'd like a guy who can relate to my dad, can make friends with my brother, can impress my sister and can pass whatever test my mom discreetly throws at him. 

As well as make friends with my friends. 

And win over my dog.  That's a big one.  My dog better LOVE you. 

And you better LOVE MY DOG. 

And my family. 

But seriously, my dog.

I'm sorry....I couldn't resist.  Seriously?  This is hilarious.

Ok?  Ok, Thanks.

Friday, November 16, 2012

does not leave the sink a mess after he shaves?

Can I find a man who does not leave the sink a mess after he shaves??


You're torturing me. 

I'm not even that much of a neat freak....but tiny hairs....near my toothbrush?  NOT OK.

That is all.  Thank you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

surprises me?

Can I find a man who surprises me?

I mean, all sorts of surprises.

Surprises me with his thoughts, his words, his actions. 

I really enjoy when a man says something I'm not expecting.  Or has an opinion or an idea I wouldn't have expected from him.  Or brings me flowers.  Or a pumpkin.  Or shows up at the office to take me to lunch.  ...you are getting the idea, right? 

If this blog is any indication, I know what I want and what I like.  And therefore, I think men have honestly been intimidated at the idea of trying to surprise me...for fear that I won't like it. 

To those men, I say this:  You're so wrong.  As I've said a dozen times before, it's the effort that counts.  And you missed out on totally sweeping me off my feet because of it.  So there.

Also - I hate making decisions as far as "dates" or whatever, so if a guy is like "oh I picked a restaurant and we're going and ta-da!  surprise!" and I didn't even have to think about it?  Awesome.

Friday, November 9, 2012

enjoys the holidays as much as I do?

Can I find a man who enjoys the holidays as much as I do?

Because if he doesn't, boy is he gonna get sick of me during November and December.

Let's put it this way, it is November 9th and I have already had 4 hot chocolates, made my Christmas list, watched 2 Christmas movies, and I've been listening to Christmas tunes at work pretty much all week. 

And I am just getting started.

Here's the other thing - I have very important traditions during the holidays.  Things I MUST do and MUST see.  Here are a few things that my dream man could do to make me happy during the holidays:

Take me here:

Rockefeller Center is a must.  I don't need to skate, but I want to look at the rink and the tree and take in the magic of the biggest tree in the city.

Take me here:

The Time Warner building puts up these beautiful stars that play a little light show to Christmas music.  My heart flutters with joy. 

Take me here:

 The UNICEF snowflake outside of Tiffany & Co.  So pretty.

Take me to see this:

A nice boy took me as a birthday present my first year in NYC.  And I go back every year.  You may think that's weird, but it really puts me in the Christmas spirit!

Go Christmas shopping with me with a quick stop at L.A. Burdick for some of the best hot chocolate in the universe.  :)  At least so far.  I can't claim I've tried every hot chocolate in the universe.  Feel free to give me some suggestions if you think you know one that's better.

This is just a few things you can do to win me over during the holidays.  I'm not even going to go into decorating, music or gifts (except I will say - make it something from the heart over something you think will impress me!  c'mon now!  it's the THOUGHT that counts - isn't that what we all say?) because that will just make this post go on way too long.

Anyway, my point.  Holidays.  Good things.  Yes please.  Don't get sick of me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Can I find a man who votes?

Who is educated about the candidates, cares about our country and how it is run, and makes an effort to make his own voice heard?

The particular beliefs honestly aren't quite as important to me.  There are a few that may be deal-breakers, but I can respect a different opinion than my own. 

And I'm not just talking voting for President!  I want someone who votes in every election - and knows why he's voting for whoever he picks.  It's worth doing research on these things.

And I bet you, if he does research on politicians, he does research on other important things.  So really, it's just proving what a thoughtful guy he is. 

Regardless of how the election turned out in your opinion, I hope you voiced your opinion and voted yesterday.  Let's hope and pray for progress, people.  Regardless of who is at the head.  The country's welfare is most important here!

(stepping off the soapbox now.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

keeps me company during a hurricane?

Can I find a man who keeps me company during a hurricane? 

For the next one?  Because last week it was just me and the dog.

Sorry I have been out of touch - but if you haven't heard, a hurricane ROCKED the East Coast and I was right in the thick of it.  Power is on now, subways are running and this girl is back on the hunt for the man of her dreams.

You'll hear from me again soon - but at this point, all I ask is for a man who will stick by me during a big ol' natural disaster.