Can I find a man who enjoys the holidays as much as I do?
Because if he doesn't, boy is he gonna get sick of me during November and December.
Let's put it this way, it is November 9th and I have already had 4 hot chocolates, made my Christmas list, watched 2 Christmas movies, and I've been listening to Christmas tunes at work pretty much all week.
And I am just getting started.
Here's the other thing - I have very important traditions during the holidays. Things I MUST do and MUST see. Here are a few things that my dream man could do to make me happy during the holidays:
Take me here:
Rockefeller Center is a must. I don't need to skate, but I want to look at the rink and the tree and take in the magic of the biggest tree in the city.
Take me here:
The Time Warner building puts up these beautiful stars that play a little light show to Christmas music. My heart flutters with joy.
Take me here:
The UNICEF snowflake outside of Tiffany & Co. So pretty.
Take me to see this:
A nice boy took me as a birthday present my first year in NYC. And I go back every year. You may think that's weird, but it really puts me in the Christmas spirit!
Go Christmas shopping with me with a quick stop at L.A. Burdick for some of the best hot chocolate in the universe. :) At least so far. I can't claim I've tried every hot chocolate in the universe. Feel free to give me some suggestions if you think you know one that's better.
This is just a few things you can do to win me over during the holidays. I'm not even going to go into decorating, music or gifts (except I will say - make it something from the heart over something you think will impress me! c'mon now! it's the THOUGHT that counts - isn't that what we all say?) because that will just make this post go on way too long.
Anyway, my point. Holidays. Good things. Yes please. Don't get sick of me.
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